Act Fast Solutions to Sudden Plumbing Issues

Plumbing problems can come up quickly. One minute the toilet at your in-law’s house is perfectly fine. The next it’s clogged and you’re stealthily searching for the plunger that they happen to not store in the bathroom. Whether it’s sudden leaks, jammed garbage disposals, broken water heaters, or clogged toilets, plumbing issues can spring themselves on you, and it’s great to know ahead of time what you need to do.  

Leaky Pipes 

They can be slow builds or sudden bursts of water, but either way leaky pipes will need to be solved fast to avoid water damage. This problem is especially common during the winter months when pipes are prone to freezing and cracking open. No matter the reason for your leaking pipes, eventually they’ll need to be checked out and inspected by the pros. But until then, there’s a few things you can do to prevent further damage. Taping up the pipe with duct tape or other plumbing tape will work for a short period of time until a plumber can come in. You can use tape in addition to the classic bucket under the leak to catch any water the slips out, preventing damage to your home.  

Jammed Garbage Disposal  

If you have a garbage disposal, chances are it’s been jammed at one point or another. Whether you put something in that shouldn’t have been there, or silverware fell in, or it’s been run without water, the result is all the same. Your first instinct should be to hit the reset button. If that doesn’t work, open it up and physically free the motor.  

Clogged Toilet 

There are several solutions to a clogged toilet, the one you choose really depends on the time you have and the tools you have at your disposal. By far the most common solution is the plunger. But what happens if you don’t have a plunger, or can’t find one, or even worse, it doesn’t work? The next step is lubrication. Pour some dish soap, or shampoo, or whatever soap you can find really, into the bowl and try again. If you have the time, wait a little while before trying to flush, as often times, the water in the bowl will start to break things down anyway. If you aren’t on any kind of time crunch you can try a drain snake, or use specifically branded chemicals to get the job done.                        

Cold Water 

You’re enjoying a steamy shower on a cold day when suddenly the steam turns to ice and your shower becomes a freezer. If you know your hot water hasn’t already been used up by anyone else in the house, which could definitely be the cause, then your water heater is to blame. Most likely, there’s an electrical issue. First trying tripping the circuit breaker and checking for hot water. If there is none, try pressing “reset” on the high-temperature cut-off. If neither of these work, the problem will likely have to be solved by a pro.   

Plumbing issues can spring up anywhere at any time, so basic plumbing knowledge is good to have in your back pocket to help get you out of difficult, or possibly embarrassing situations. But, at the end of the day, quick fixes are often just that, and having a professional come out and check things out can help solve the problem once and for all.  

At Faulstick Plumbing, we specialize in installs, repairs, and inspections for all of your well, water, and plumbing needs. Our family-owned and operated business has built a reputation as the best-doing things the right way with the customer in mind, every time. Give us a call at 570-992-0447 to discuss your needs today!