Plumbing Projects You Can Tackle at Home (DIY)
January 15, 2021

Plumbing Projects You Can Tackle at Home (DIY)

Plumbing is one of those things that most homeowners try to stay clear of  and they feel a burden to deal with it.  DIY stands for “ Do it  yourself ”. We can repair our house hold damages like DIY Plumbing and repair the electricity problems like fans, light etc without hiring of any technicians…

How to Keep your Pipe Safe | Plumbing Tips in Winter
October 28, 2020

How to Keep your Pipe Safe | Plumbing Tips in Winter

Plumbing is a complicated system of assembly devices, fittings, tubes and valves, pipes. It drains that supply water to the various parts of the home for the utility of water for different purposes. When you talk about the sewage system, plumbing is something different from it. You can say plumbing is a way to distribute…

How to Prepare Your Plumbing for the Winter
October 7, 2020

How to Prepare Your Plumbing for the Winter

‘Winter is coming’ – emphasized the series called Game of Thrones. Although the Middle Ages setting outlined a different kind of threat with the cold season, it is not a risk-free period in real life. The cold weather can cause serious damage to any water network that is not protected against frost. Even to plumbing…

5 Common DIY Plumbing Mistakes
August 31, 2020

5 Common DIY Plumbing Mistakes

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A Few Plumbing Mistakes When You DIY
March 27, 2019

A Few Plumbing Mistakes When You DIY

At Faulstick Plumbing we love a good DIY project, in fact we encourage learning about basic plumbing techniques. Eventually, there is a point where you might have got in way over your head. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with a minor DIY project to fix or upgrade your plumbing problems in your home.  It’s…