Private Pennsylvania Wells 

As proud Pennsylvanians ourselves, we understand just how diverse this state we call home is. From those of you over in the smoky city of Pittsburgh, those jawns in Philly, with correct cheesesteaks in hand, or those of you, like ourselves, toting the border of Jersey in coal-region NEPA.

For those of us in more rural Pennsylvania, wells are an everyday encounter. And for those Pennsylvanians that are considering becoming a well-owner, they may wonder what rules and regulations are put upon wells in PA. Luckily for yinz, Private Pennsylvania Wells are our specialty.   

PA Well Construction 

Pennsylvania clocks in at having more than one million known private water wells, which is an impressive number! And each year approximately 20,000 more are drilled, so the number is only going up. Lucky for all of us, PA has no specific statewide construction standards for private well owners. However, we do have a few counties that have specific county-wide construction standards, so make sure you double check if you’re in one of those areas before you begin your wells construction.  

PA Well Contaminants  

As with any well, yearly testing, and routine maintenance are required for your private well. Depending on your area, your well water may be more prone to certain contaminants than other areas. When it comes to us in Pennsylvania, there’s a few things we may be more prone to our well water having than others. In terms of non-harmful problems, we may deal with water hardness (which can cause skin and hair problems), excess iron (which can cause water discoloration and stainage), excess sulfide (which can make your water smell bad), and corrosivity.  

For harmful, health-related issues, we can experience, lead, nitrates, human-made organic pollutants, and coliform bacteria. Coliform bacteria is a word that encompasses a large variety of different bacteria- some of which are harmful, and some of which are not. About half of all private water wells in Pennsylvania have some kind of coliform bacteria in them, which comes out to about 500,000 wells. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s harmful bacteria, or that your water is unsafe, however it does mean it could become unsafe at any time, and is something that should definitely get checked out.  

As Pennsylvanians, we have so many wonderful, bountiful things from our nature, and our wells are no exception. For PA well owners, we have it about as easy as it gets with well-ownership. With no well standards for construction, apart from a few unlucky counties, we are able to craft our wells to our own perfect standard- with some help from the experts, of course! And when it comes to contaminants, our beautiful state provides and gives us very little to worry about. Need a helping hand, from one Pennsylvanian to another? We understand and we’ve got your back. 

At Faulstick Plumbing, we specialize in installs, repairs, and inspections for all of your well, water, and plumbing needs. Our family-owned and operated business has built a reputation as the best-doing things the right way with the customer in mind, every time. Give us a call at 570-992-0447 to discuss your needs today!