What’s the Difference Between Well Water and City Water?

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Your home will need to have flowing water for many things; washing your clothes, running your dishwasher and showering.  But which type of incoming water should you choose?  Home owners need to decide between city water and well water to supply their homes with a water supply.  To help you make the choice, we have outlined the differences between the two. 

What is City Water?

City water is water that is treated before it reaches your home.  The city or municipality is responsible to ensure that the water supplied to homes in their jurisdiction is safe for consumption and use.  Water is drawn from the water source, treated at a water treatment facility, then stored in a water tower.  The water tower then generates enough water pressure to pump an even flow to all of the homes and businesses on the water main.  Think of a water main as a giant underground spider web of pipes that connect all of the water pipes in a town.  Each home or business on the water main then receives and is able to use the water inside of their respective buildings. 

The Perks of City Water

The first major pro to having city water is that the water is treated before it reaches your home.  This means you never have to worry about performing any maintenance on your water supply system.  City water is available in most places, and the municipality is responsible for maintaining the water to ensure it is healthy to consume and use.  Additionally, mortgage lenders prefer to see a home has city water rather than well water.  

The Drawbacks of City Water

City water is going to cost you a monthly fee.  Municipalities charge residents a water and sewer fee to maintain the water supply on residents and business owner’s behalf.  Additionally, city water could be turned off by someone else.  Meaning, if a business across town is have a contamination issue, your water supply may be cut off so the township can make a repair to the business’s water supply.  City water is also considered “less fresh” in comparison with well water because the natural minerals in the water have been removed and purified, and replaced with manmade chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride, which are tied to negative health effects.  Lastly, because city water is run through the water main web system we talked about earlier, natural disasters, such as floods, can cause water contamination on a large scale.  

What is Well Water?

Well water is a water supply for a home or business that is drawn from the ground with a well pump.  Aquafers, found under the Earth’s surface, collect rain water and other water flowing underground.  When a well is bored into the Earth’s surface, the goal is to hit an aquafer that will be able to supply the water well with an adequate water supply.   Once the water source has been accessed, it now needs to be pumped out for use.  This is done with a water pump, which runs off of electricity, to draw the water into your home or business for use.  

The Perks of Well Water

Well water, when treated properly, is the healthiest water you can consume, as it is rich in natural nutrients and minerals.  One of our favorite perks is that you don’t have to pay for the use of your water well!  Once it is installed, there are no monthly water bills for use of the water supply.  And lastly, should there be a natural disaster, such as a flood, your water supply is generally protected due to being located deep in the ground with a direct line into your home.  

The Drawbacks of Well Water

Because well water is drawn from the ground, it is at risk of contamination from things like fertilizer, animal manure, sewage treatment plant discharge, failing septic tanks, pet waste and detergents.  Well water requires your personal maintenance.  This means you need to be mindful of keeping your water treatment system in tip top working order.  Additionally, since well pumps run on electricity, you face the risk of being out of water if there is an electrical outage.  

For more information about well pumps, please visit our blog Get to Know Your Well Pump.

If you are interested in making the switch from city water to well water, if you are a current well water user in need of maintenance, or if you are experiencing any issues with your current well water system, give us a call at Graydon Faulstick Plumbing.   Our professionals are available year-round to ensure all of your water and plumbing needs are taken care off.  Call 570-992-0447 to schedule an appointment today!
